It is no small fact that the 1950s was that period in history
when humanity obtained for the first time the ability to
completely destroy itself.
Many can remember events such as the Cuban missile
crisis which brought humanity to the edge of extinction.
Satan must have been working overtime to foil Gods
endtimes plan. Satan knows his time is short.
The reason the world was brought to the edge of
destruction was because of the existence of the first
governmentally defined atheist nation, the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics.
The U.S.S.R. must be seen as a demonic creation.
This attempt at global domination and destruction
was a threat to the whole world. Nuclear war was a
real possibility for decades, a war that would have
killed everyone on the planet.
As previously stated Satan tried to interrupt the
completion of Gods plan.
If there are no people there is no antichrist and no
Christian apostasy and persecution.
Allows for the spread of the Gospel to all the nations.
Also this fact is important because it allows for a close
coordination of human activities that will become
global in nature. If we enter a time of great persecution
believers may not be capable of defending themselves
because events will unfold so quickly. Enemies across
the world could work in concert to destroy any chances
of possible Christian survival. In a true Globally
connected world there is no place to hide.
As we watch events unfold and various forces take
control we can see in this country and around the world
secular and religious entities growing in intolerance.
The day may come when some people miss the
Christianity and its humanizing face which
they forced underground and out of sight.
Modern scientific study of the Shroud began in 1898
with the first photograph. There has been constant
growth since then with some setbacks along the way.
The proof when studied thoroughly is overwhelming.
People do not want to believe something when it is too
good to be true, but 20th century science details this
miracle. And it is only in the 20th century that we have
this research and proof.
It is possible the Shroud was proven authentic in our
time in order to give us strength for the coming great
Do not try to understand the Shroud from only one
website or one book. This is a subject that needs to be
surrounded. Check and verify everything to be satisfied.
People may have a hard time with this but HARD study
of the Shroud will pay off.
This cloth IS THE burial shroud of Jesus. Forget the
superficial or outdated criticisms. God has given our
time a miracle, He has not abandoned us.
See for proof that Jesus
is who He Says He is.
Proof of Jesus Resurrection